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Cari Blog Ini

A Visionary Destination

WEB: A Vibrant Hub for Members and Visitors

A Visionary Destination

WEB, nestled amidst the serene landscape of 120 Abbotts Way Remuera Auckland, stands as a testament to a bold vision: to create a "third place" for members and visitors alike. This concept, coined by sociologist Ray Oldenburg, refers to a space that is neither home nor work but rather a welcoming and inviting gathering point.

Embracing Modern Trends

WEB's General Manager, Chris Davies, recognizes the evolving trends in the golfing world. The demand for flexibility and a more social experience is growing, and WEB is poised to lead this transformation. Remuera will offer a seamless blend of traditional golfing amenities with innovative social spaces, catering to the diverse needs of its members and visitors.

A Welcoming Oasis

WEB's vision extends beyond the fairways and greens. It aims to create a welcoming oasis where people from all walks of life can connect, unwind, and create lasting memories. Its vibrant atmosphere, complemented by exceptional service and amenities, promises to make WEB a destination of choice for both members and casual visitors alike.


WEB's vision of a "third place" is a beacon of hope in a world yearning for connection and social interaction. As a destination that harmoniously combines the best of golfing tradition with contemporary offerings, WEB stands poised to become a vibrant hub where members and visitors alike can forge meaningful bonds, nurture their well-being, and create unforgettable experiences.
